Sunday, August 14, 2011

Welcome to the world, Miles Andrew Champion!

Miles joined us after about 16 hours of labor on August 11, 2011. He arrived on the scene at 23:24 (I write it in military time because I like the sequence, not because I'm that engineer-y), weighed 7 lb 15 oz, and measured 20 1/2 inches long. He's not quite the chunker I thought he was going to be, but perfect in every way (including his bodacious cone head complements of being stuck at 3 - 4 cm for most of the day.

It was a long day, but not too painful or unpleasant. We got moved into a mother-baby room around 2:00 AM, and promptly sent Miles to the nursery so that Mom and Dad could get some much needed sleep.

We came home from the hospital yesterday, and have been working on figuring this parenting thing out. Miles is working on learning to sleep at night and not sleep during the day.

Izzy's attempting to help at every opportunity...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beau-rito, Baby Benny, He-who-hasn't-been-named

Tomorrow Beau and my life will change. I'm being induced at 5:30 AM. Hopefully everything will be uneventful and our duo will become a trio.

I've been preparing myself for the last 3 weeks to be induced at my doctor's direction. I have gestational diabetes, and a relatively mild case of high blood pressure. I've been off of work and on home rest since 7/22. I don't like to call it bed rest, because that would imply that I was in bed the entire time; something I'm incapable of doing. Beau has been great at meeting my every need, and attempting to keep me calm and relaxed. He has watched horrible TV with me for hours on end, and even some pretty painful movies.

The rest of the world seems to think that I should be/am terrified of how my life is about to change, but I'm really not. Anxious? Sure. Nervous about how much this is actually going to hurt? Of course. But not scared. I've always said that God put me on this earth to be a mother, and tomorrow I get to start that journey.

Sorry for the totally disjointed post. I just felt like I should write something before my baby boy arrives.