Thursday, May 15, 2008


This post is a result of harassment from the peanut gallery via facebook. The reason that the blog hasn't been updated recently is because there hasn't been much progress :( The last couple of weekends have been pretty busy. My birthday weekend we threw a crawfish boil on Friday, recovered on Saturday (and played a lot of Mario Kart at Miranda's) and then went to another crawfish boil on Sunday. This past weekend we went to dinner and Will's show on Friday. Cleaned house, grocery shopped, moved my BBQ Pit and the buffet, etc. on Saturday. Sunday we hosted Mother's Day for Mom, Cherie, Mimi, Nanny, Ms. Shirley, Dad and Uncle Joe. And Tuesday night we had Grandma, Aunt Linda, Paul, Christy, Brandy, and Ms. Shirley come over after dinner (at Sammy's) for cake and a tour of the house (and some Mario Kart).

The one bit of progress I have made was yesterday. All of those dangling wires seen in the last post are a result of removing the closet. I used the VERY limited knowledge of electricity that I have to get the two receptacles and fan that weren't working back into service. And I didn't shock myself!! (this really surprised me; I usually find a way)

I will post as soon as there are more developments. Hang in there!