Friday, December 9, 2011

**EDIT 1/9/12** I started writing this post a month ago, sooo Miles is actually nearly 5 months old now.**

Miles is nearly 4 months old and I haven't posted his 3 month pictures yet. I'm not even sure I've taken them...

In the last month he's started really smiling and laughing.
He's basically outgrown his 3 month footie pajamas.
He's doing well sitting up with assistance.
He had his first encounter with the fabled "pink stuff"* thanks to a double ear infection.
Tigers have completed their first ever 13-0 season

*Apparently the amoxicillin we got was dye free and thus not pink. What is wrong with this world?!

since apparenly I fail at finishing posts, I'm just going to post this then I'll eventually follow-up with pictures.


Unknown said...

ooh, where can you get dye free amoxycillin?

Jenny said...

It came from the Walgreens on Burbank and Bluebonnet.